An meinem Geburtstag realisiere ich erst so richtig, wie ernst es Dave ist mit der Fahrradtour: Er schenkt mir ein Tourenrad, das er von der Rahmengröße bin hin zu den verschiedenen Anbringungsmöglichkeiten für Satteltaschen und Gepäckträger genauestens auf unsere große Reise hin abgestimmt hat!
Over half a year later, on my birthday, I realize how serious Dave was when he invited me to his bike tour: He surprises me with a touring bike that has everything one needs on a big long journey like ours: mounts for heavy duty racks, same wheel size as his bike, comfy seat and handle bar...
Jetzt kann ich wohl nicht mehr aus??Over half a year later, on my birthday, I realize how serious Dave was when he invited me to his bike tour: He surprises me with a touring bike that has everything one needs on a big long journey like ours: mounts for heavy duty racks, same wheel size as his bike, comfy seat and handle bar...
There's no way out now, eh??
Bei meiner ersten Runde habe ich noch normale Schuhe an. Doch damit ist bald Schluss: Ich bekomme auch noch Fahrradschuhe und muss lernen, diese in die Pedale ein- und auszuklicken. Ist ja sooo viel energiesparender, sagt der Dave. Tut aber höllisch weh, wenn man vor dem Stehenbleiben nicht rechtzeitig ausklickt, stelle ich fest...
On my first ride, I'm still wearing normal shoes. But that's going to be over soon: I also get bike shoes and have to learn to click them into and out of the pedals. Dave says it's way more energy efficient. I learn quickly that also it is very painful when you don't click out in time...
On my first ride, I'm still wearing normal shoes. But that's going to be over soon: I also get bike shoes and have to learn to click them into and out of the pedals. Dave says it's way more energy efficient. I learn quickly that also it is very painful when you don't click out in time...